пятница, 20 мая 2016 г.


Всего несколько лет назад полет на самолете, да и даже присутвие в аэропорту казалось невероятным праздником и чем-то супер необычным и особенным. За этот месяц я была\буду в 4х аэропортах суммарно 9 раз. Поездка в Нью Йорк, семинар, встречание и провожание друзей. В 5 утра, по дороге из Чикаго, планировали поехать в Канаду, Мексику или Пуэрто Рико. Ибо почему бы и нет? Да, по иронии судьбы, как раз после того, как я рассталась с парнем пилотом.

Мне все так же всего 24, я тут себе энджою свою жизнь и предвкушаю что дальше будет только интереснее. Даже если ночи без сна, даже если тяжело и очень скучаю по дому. We will figure smth out. 

понедельник, 2 мая 2016 г.

An increadible month

The last month was extremely busy and intense. The International festival, deadlines, exams, stress from some uncertainties with my scholarship and personal reasons. I’m very overwhelmed (especially after the last weekend) but I really enjoyed every single moment of this month.

The last few days were the most spectacular ones. The Fulbright farewell party that actually went for 3 days was simply amazing. I’m so grateful to be a part of Fulbright family in Kzoo and it is so sad to see some guys leaving us. It is also sad to think that in a year I will leave too.
The last week proved again – if you are passionate about something you will do that no matter how tired you are. Final exams and nights of few hours sleeping did not stop me from challenging myself by making the biggest cake that I’ve ever made. It also didn’t stop me from making Easter cakes a day after and planning a trip for this week. And I’m so grateful to the guys who trusted me to make a cake and helped with preparation and transportation. You are awesome! I wouldn’t be able to make it without your help and support!!! I’m also happy that on the Easter morning I had the cutest company to share my breakfast and Paskah (the Orthodox Easter cake)!

Special thanks to David and his mom for hosting our crazy Fulbright family at their place and amazing time!!! We all had so much fun and that definitely was unforgettable time! And of course thanks to aaaaall Fulbrighters and their friends and family members for being so awesome, fun and nice! The variety of cultures within Fulbright is incredible and the coolest thing is that we always have fun together no matter how different we are!